Dec 2, 2009

Live Love

I never cared too much for boys growing up, I still don’t. Not saying that I am a lesbian, I’m not, just putting it out there. O_o...anyhoozle...
There aren’t many people who say young love is the best… Its usually called puppy love. Unlike most people I do believe that young love is the best and no I am not talking about that puppy love, they are different.  I’m talking about finding your soulmate at a young age, or at least having that idea that you did and no I am not talking about that onesided obessesion crap. -_- ...anyway, back to me...(lol)

I didn’t date in high school, my first relationship was one coming out of high school. Didn’t last long....4 months to be exact, loved him, but wasn’t in love with him. My second relationship started off not too long after that. I've always wanted that fairy tale romance... You know? the kind that doesn't really exist, only in a dream world...

It was good the relationship was good. I go what I asked for...

I asked God to send me my “perfect” guy, my angel; taller than me, intellegent, funny, a little dorky and decently handsome, + some....

He may…. Not always have patience… I want to teach him how to obtain it. Be stressing over little things… I'll teach him how to take inhale and exhale. Not know how to be affectionate… Let me show him how to hug, kiss, and touch. Not know how to dress for an interview… I know how to make it work. Not know how to speak his mind outside the classroom… I'll suggest how to get the message across without being intimidated by others. Be feeling hungry… I was taught how to cook. Have an achy body sometimes… I can ease the pain. Have something on his mind that he needs to talk about… I'm here to listen. Not know how to be respectful towards people…. My family and I will teach him that. May not know how to trust someone… He can always trust me. Not know someone who can be honest with him, even when they are wrong… I’ll fess up; I have no problem taking responsibility for my actions, even in the wrong. Not be able to share everything that is on his mind with his friends.... He can share his thoughts and feelings with me. Not know someone who will stand by his side in times of need... I'm here. Not have a person(s) who motivates him to reach above and beyond his wildest dreams... I'll be his cheerleader/motivater.

We learn intimacy together. With one another. Just the two of us.

... To be continued...

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