Nov 17, 2009

Live Relationships: Friendships!

I don't know why people wouldn't view a friendship as a type of relationship...Well some of the idiots that I'm around don't considerate it to be. In my opinion any common knowledge person would know that it is.
People may start off as your acquaintance, classmate, co-worker, roommate, friend of a friend and so on, right?
Now answer this question, when you are conversing with a third party explaining a situation which happened at the work place., which phrase do you use? "My friend at work told me...." or "My co-worker told me...."

Hmmmmm... something to think about..

From a few of my past experience with people (whether it be at school or work) I've always been the one who was introduced as the "best friend". Never understanding why?... Come to think about it, the thoughts that ran through my mind were some of which, I'm pretty sure, run through anyone's mind who doesn't fully understand clingy person's mindset... Did I give that person consent to say that? Am I in a two year agreement that I don't remember signing? WHERE OH WHERE is the fine print? Can I just cancel or put this contract on freeze?... How cool am I to be given this "privilege" of this best friend title? and I've only known you two months...What makes you think I am the best??

A Friend is a person who is a patron, supporter, is understanding, empathetic, your advocate, ally, backer, associate, booster, supporter, role model, admirer (not in a creepy/obsessive way)... Someone who isn't afraid to tell the truth even if it hurts your feelings... someone you can argue with and reconcile with throughout a reasonable time span... someone you can learn from... someone you can also teach... someone you don't have the obligation to communicate with on a daily basis, but would would prefer to talk to... And most importantly someone you can genuinely stand to be around.

Tip: A friendship is not something that should be forced. Keep that in mind next time you call someone your best friend.

1 comment:

  1. Great topic...friends are definitely hard to come by and should be cherished. Associates usually fall by the way side after a while.

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